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Curug Pulosari Bantul, Trekking, Tiket, Ragam Wisata, Dan Pesona Keindahan Alam Lengkap

Hukoci, Bersantai, Berolahraga Dan Berkemah Di Tengah Hutan Kota Warga Cianjur

Lake Toba
Lake Toba is one of the awesome natural wonders of the world. This is a crater lake so enormous it has an island almost the size of Singapore in its centre.
Asahan River
Flowing from Lake Toba, the biggest Crater Lake in the world, through the staggering Sigura-gura Dam, passing the valley of the Bukit Barisan Mountain

North Sumatra Museum
Wedding statues and ornaments from many North Sumatra tribes are collected in the museum. This museum has 6.799 different historical items that are

Sipiso-piso Waterfall
A nature site destination not far from Tongging village, Merek sib-district, Karo district, North Sumatra. The waterfall is located at a heaight of 800 meters

Mount Sibayak
The mountain is located at a height of 2.094 above sea level. The people of Batak Karo name this mountain “King’s Mountain” because Sibayak in Batak

Camp Vietnam – Galang Island
One of the island that has the most sad story. In the past, there is a culture of civil war in Vietnam. Most of the population is of course reject any bloodshed.
Bintan Island
Bintan is the largest island in the Riau Archipelago, which comprises almost 3,000 large and small islands, immediately across Singapore and Johor Bahru,

Sultan Riau Mosque
Sultan Riau Grand Mosque is a famous historical tourist site on Penyengat Island, Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau province. This mosque was built when

Penyengat Island
A small island situated across Tanjung Pinang, capital of the Riau Islands Province, the island of Penyengat in the 18th century was the twin-seat of the Sultan of the Johor-Riau Kingdom

Abang islands
Beautiful underwater gardens featuring fascinating coral reefs decorated with various shapes, sizes, and colors of many sea creatures, that is the view that awaits snorkelers and divers

Muara Takus Temple
Located some 122 from Pekanbaru, capital of the province of Riau, the Muara Takus temple complex (or Candi Muara Takus) is built by the Kampar Kanan river.

Tesso Nilo National Park
Located in the Riau province, the Tesso Nilo National Park is arguably the largest lowland rainforest on the island of Sumatra.

Driving Into the heart of the Meratus Mountain Range, some two and a half hours from Banjarmasin, capital of South Kalimantan Province, one will be welcomed

Mahakam River
Mahakam river is the biggest river in East Kalimantan province. This 920 km long river flows from its upper stream in Kutai Barat to its lower stream in Kutai Kartanegara and Samarinda.
Tanjung Puting National Park
The park, which covers territory the size of Bali, is home to an amazing array of wildlife including it’s world famous orang utans. The park is also home to monkeys, birds and other wildlife, not to mention the pristine vegetation of the jungle itself.

Camp Leakey
Established in 1971 by Dr. Biruté Galdikas and Rod Brindamour, Camp Leakeyin the Tanjung Puting National Park in Central Kalimantan is the oldest orangutan Research and Conservation Center in the world.

Kapuas River
Kapuas is the longest river in Indonesia. The length is reaching up to 1,142 meters with the width ranging from 400-700 meters. 300 species of fish inhabits this place.

Sebangau National Park
Spread out between the Katingan and the Sebangau Rivers, just at the outskirt of Palangkaraya,, the Sebangau National Park in Central Kalimantan is one of the last remaining peat swamp forests in Borneo.

Arboretum Nyaru Menteng
A lesser known Orangutan re-introduction center but no less important than Tanjung Puting is the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Re-introduction Center near Palangkaraya, capital city of Central Kalimantan.
Mahakam River
Mahakam river is the biggest river in East Kalimantan province. This 920 km long river flows from its upper stream in Kutai Barat to its lower stream in Kutai Kartanegara and Samarinda.

Mulawarman Museum
Mulawarman Museum or called Kutai Sultan Palace is situated in Tenggarong, the capital city of Kutai Kartanegara district. After the Kutai Sultanate government ends in 1960, its 2,270 m2 palace was then occupied by Sultan A.M. Parikesit until 1971.

Bangkirai Hills
This area is a part of the tropical forest which located in East Kalimantan, expanding about 15 million hectares. Inside this area, besides the beauty of the forest, there are also a canopy bridge and rare species of paradise birds (drongos) and richoneros.

Kayan Mentarang National Park
This are still has the largest primary and secondary old forests remained in Kalimantan and Southeast Asia. The name Kayan Mentarang is taken from Kayan River in the south and Mentarang River in the north that cross this park.

Melawai Beach
Melawai Beach is a main beach along Sudirman street, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. It is a favorite tourist destination in the city center for local community in Balikpapan and is vicinity, and for domestic and foreign tourists.

Sangalaki Island
For those of you who like diving, the beauty and diversity of flora and fauna around Sangalaki Island will attract you to come again and again. This island is located in the Derawan Archipelago, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Kakaban Island
Indonesia is a fascinating country in every sense of the word. Rich in culture, natural beauty and biodiversity. Home to the weird, the wacky and the wonderful.

Maratua Island
Maratua Island in the Derawan Archipelago off the north coast of East Kalimantan, is a large tropical island partially encircling a massive lagoon on one end and fringed with sheer rocky walls and coral reefs along the other end.

Driving Into the heart of the Meratus Mountain Range, some two and a half hours from Banjarmasin, capital of South Kalimantan Province, one will be welcomed by a lush landscape decorated with wonderful waterfalls, rushing rivers, and the enchanting culture of its indigenous people.

Mount Palung National Park?
Located on the border between Ketapang and North Kayon in the province of West Kalimantan, Mount Palung National Park is one of the largest national parks in Indonesia.

Kapuas River
Kapuas is the longest river in Indonesia. The length is reaching up to 1,142 meters with the width ranging from 400-700 meters. 300 species of fish inhabits this place.

Sentarum Lake
Sentarum is the only seasonal lake which lies in a primary swamp in West Kalimantan. It’s located in a basin close to Kapuas River.

Pasir Panjang Beach
This white sandy beach stretches about 3 km, and it has calm water. The beach is pretty accessible as the entrance way has been paved, and public transportations are available to reach this place.

Equatorial Monument
Among all countries in the world, only twelve straddle the Equator. While among the countless cities within those twelve countries, only one sits right on this invisible line that separates the earth’s southern from the northern hemisphere.

Betung Kerihun National Park
Betung Kerihun National Park is a Wildlife Sanctuary cetrally located on the island of Kalimantan, and is the largest conservation area in the West Kalimantan province in the Heart of Borneo.

The area of North Kalimantan that borders directly onto the neighboring country of Malaysia was once part of the East Kalimantan Province until it was officially established as a separate province on 25th October 2012.
Kayan Mentarang National Park
Kayan Mentarang National Park is the biggest uniformity of primary and secondary forest, which covers 1,360,500 hectare, and still remains in Kalimantan and in the Southeast Asia.
Mount Bromo
Located some 4 hours drive from Surabaya, the capital of East Java, Mount Bromo is a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park that covers a massive area of 800 square kilometres.

Ijen Crater
Ijen plateau or known as “Kawah Ijen” is highly recommended to mountain buffs and hikers. The Plateau was at one time a huge active crater, 134 sq km in area.

Plengkung Beach
This beach has big waves that are perfect for surfing, especially from May to October. This beach is also famous as G-Land. The letter “G” in G-Land stands for Grajakan, the name of the bay in this beach that has big waves.

Sarangan Lake
Sarangan Lake is located in the shoulder of Mount Lawu. It is 30 hectares wide, and its average depth is 28 meters. Situated at an altitude of 1,287 m above sea level, the area has the temperature of 18º to 23º C.

Prambanan Temple
As the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia, the beautiful and graceful temple of Prambanan is a magnificent spectacle and an icon of Indonesia’s cultural heritage.

When a traveler is browsing in Kraton, then she/he should not miss The Water Castle or known as Tamansari, less than 1 Km west of Kraton. Just west of the Kraton, are the ruins, pools, arches and underground passages of the former pleasure gardens.

Malioboro is the most famous street in Yogyakarta. Located in the heart of Yogya, this is the city’s main street, and was once the ceremonial avenue for the Sultan to pass through on his way to and from the Keraton.

Parangtritis Beach
Escape from the city for a while and take the short drive from Yogya to the mystical Parangtritis beach where dramatic jagged cliffs meet a glistening volcanic black sand beach.

Kalasan Temple
Located on the southern main road between the cities of Yogyakarta and Solo, approximately 2 Km from the Prambanan Temple compound, is Candi Kalasan, believed to be the oldest Buddhist temple in Central Java and Yogyakarta, even predating the colossal Borobudur Temple in Magelang.

Taman Safari Indonesia
If you like to observe wild animals like tigers, lions and crocodiles in their native habitat, then Taman Safari Indonesia is just for you.

Museum of The Asian-African Conference
The historic first Asian African Conference was convened here in the “Gedung Merdeka”, Bandung, West Java, from 18th to 24th April 1955, a recognized milestone in world history.

Sawarna Beach
Overlooking the vast open Indian Ocean, featuring crystal clear blue water and stretches of white sandy beach, shaded bybeautiful rows of sheltering trees, the Sawarna Beach is without a doubt one of the most beautiful beaches in the province of Banten.

Kampung Naga ( Dragon Village )
If you are tired of life in a metropolitan city with its sky scrapers, you should take a few days off to stay in the Dragon village within Neglasari village, Salawu sub-district, Tasikmalaya, West Java.

Cimaja Beach
The Palabuhanratu area, a favorite weekend surfing destination for expatriates and a growing number of Indonesian surfers based in Jakarta, is the most crowded of West Java’s surfing grounds due to sheer ease of accessibility.

Tangkuban Perahu
Tangkuban perahu is an active volcano, situated 30 km north of the city of Bandung in the direction of Lembang. It is the only crater in Indonesia that you can drive up to its very rim. Mount Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape, and looks like an “overturned boat”.
Pangandaran Beach
Pangandaran is one of West Java’s best kept-secrets as far as international tourists are concerned.

Batu Karas Beach
As a coastal area, Batu Karas is a blend between the nearby Pangandaran Beach and the Batu Hiu Beach since it not only offers calm waters but also challenging waves.

Citumang River
The Citumang River near Pangandaran with its clear blue water, runs through green thick forests deep in the Cijulang area along the south coast of West Java. Its banks are decorated with beautiful boulders withbranches of trees and bushes picturesquely bending over the river.

Kawah Putih ( White Crater )
Travelling south from Bandung, capital city of West Java you will find yourself surrounded by mountains with magnificent sceneries, a rolling evergreen landscape of neatly cropped tea bushes, clumps of tropical forests, and misty hilltops.

Umang Island
Umang Island, situated in Banten province, is a small island perfect for your tropical getaway. Especially when you’ve done some business in Jakarta, since Umang Island is only 4,5 hours away from the bustling city.

Ujung Kulon National Park
At the southwestern tip of Java Island, where the Sunda Strait, that divides the islands of Java and Sumatra, converge with the vast Indian Ocean, lies one of the world’s most pristine natural ecosystem and Indonesia’s prime national park: Ujung Kulon National Park.

Benteng Heritage Museum
For those interested in the diaspora of the Chinese and how and when they settled in Indonesia should visit the small Benteng Heritage Museum in Tangerang, on the outskirts west of Jakarta.

Peucang Island
Nestled within the Ujung Kulon National Park by the Panaitan Strait in the Pandeglang Regency, Peucang Island is truly a secluded paradise located at the most western edge of Java Island.
Sawarna Beach
Overlooking the vast open Indian Ocean, featuring crystal clear blue water and stretches of white sandy beach, shaded bybeautiful rows of sheltering trees, the Sawarna Beach is without a doubt one of the most beautiful beaches in the province of Banten.

Tanjung Lesung Resort
Slightly bulging from the mainland of Java into the Sunda Straits is Tanjung Lesung, a developing integrated beach resort for recreation and hotels overlooking Mt. Anak Krakatu, all that is left of the once mighty Krakatau volcano.
Karang Bolong Beach
Many of us would like, if only for a weekend, to escape the hustle and stress of the big city. With its constant traffic jams and noise coming from every which direction, a weekend reprieve would be just what the doctor ordered.

Sangiang Island
Situated in the Sunda Strait that separates the large islands of Java and Sumatra, and north east of the Krakatau volcanic Islands, Sangiang Island is a Marine Nature park which offers some of the best underwater marvels found in Banten.

Old Batavia
In its heydays in the 16th century, Batavia was known as “The Queen of the East” and “the Jewel of Asia”. Its Sunda Kelapa harbour was abuzz with merchant vessels from Europe, China, India and from throughout the Indonesian archipelago,

Thousand Islands
As your plane slowly descends for its approach to Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta international airport, you can see a large number of large and small islands dotting the sea in the Bay of Jakarta.

Sunda Kelapa Harbor
The older parts of Jakarta offer the chance to view the sceneries of the past. Explore Sunda Kelapa Harbor and other places of interest to the fullest, where modernity and remnants of the past can still be found.

Ancol Dreamland
This is Jakarta’s largest and most popular recreation park, more popularly known as “Ancol Dreamland”.
The Schmutzer Primate Centre
The Schmutzer Primate Center is one of the largest in the world and houses many different primate species amongst which gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans.

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah or Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park is an extensive culture-based park, the prime showcase of Indonesia’s rich cultural and natural diversity located in East Jakarta.

Waterbom Jakarta
Waterbom Jakarta is now open as the leading water park and recreation destination in Jakarta.

National Museum of Indonesia
Located on Medan Merdeka Barat, the National Museum is the pride of Jakarta, providing visitors an insight into Indonesia’s long history in cultural heritage from prehistoric days up to today.

Jakarta History Museum
The Jakarta History Museum (also known as Fatahillah Museum) is housed in the former City Hall located in the old part of the city now known as Jakarta Kota, some hundred meters behind the port and warehouses of Sunda Kelapa.

National Monument of Indonesia
The main Sudirman-Thamrin avenues in Jakarta lead to the Merdeka Square, where in its center stands the National Monument (also known as Monas–Monumen Nasional) which houses the first red-and-white flag flown at the Proclamation of Independence on 17 August 1945.

Macan Island
While snorkelling through these crystal waters is an enchanting experience, I’m starting to get the feeling that the reef doesn’t really like me much. I’ve been warned that there are stingrays and stonefish waiting to stab me, and there are countless black sea urchins waiting to impale me on 10cm spines.

Istiqlal Mosque
First opened to the public by Indonesia’s first President, Soekarno, on 22 February 1978, the grand Istiqlal Mosque of Jakarta is the largest mosque in South East Asia both in structure and capacity, as it can accommodate congregations of up to 120,000 people.
Bidadari Island
Pulau Bidadari (or the Island of Angels) is one of the many charming islands in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park in the Bay of Jakarta,

Tidung Island
Pulau Tidung is located relatively close to the capital city of Jakarta, that you wouldn’t have to spend unnecessary time and money just trying to get there.

Pramuka Island
Pulau Pramuka is a beautiful island in the middle of the Thousand Islands Marine National Park in the Bay of Jakarta located further off into the Java Sea.

Toko Merah ( Red Shop )
Toko Merah or the Red Shop is one of the oldest buildings and best preserved in present day Old Batavia.

Pari Island
One of the many little spots of paradise just a stone’s throw away from the bustling metropolitan capital, Jakarta, Pari Island is quite different from the more popular islands of Pramuka and Tidung.

Jakarta Textile Museum
The Indonesian islands are famous for their magnificent hand-woven cloths, colors and designs in material and creations, some intricate, others stunning in their pure simplicity.

Setu Babakan
Located at Srengseng Sawah in the subdistrict of Jagakarsa in South Jakarta, isSetu Babakan, a man-made lake that is a water catchment area for the city of Jakarta.

Ragunan Zoo
From the charming Orangutan living in the deep tropical rainforests of Kalimantan to the legendary Komodo dragon in Flores, the Indonesian Archipelago -with its uniquely diverse natural characteristics- is home to some of the most fascinating animals of the world.

Benteng Heritage Museum
The Benteng Chinese community by the Cisadane river belong to one of the first Chinese settlers in Indonesia,

Wisata Tantular